This is another palette I was lucky enough to receive for Christmas. Unlike the previous palette I reviewed, I’ve never actually heard of this one. After doing a little research, I found out this is Smashbox’s newest palette of the “Exposure” line. I always hear great reviews on the “Full Exposure” palette so I was excited to give this a go!
This Palette retails for $50, which seems higher than most palettes I own.
With this palette, you get 14 shadows that can be used wet to get a more intense, deeper pigmentation from them. I tested the Silver shade with “Mac Fix +” instead of water and the texture ended up coming out very chunky. I can’t speak for the other shades though.
One thing I don’t particularly care for is that there are only 2 matte shades (Noir and fig). The rest have a shimmery/satin finish.
The first time I used this palette I used the shade “Fig” as an all over color and I had a very hard time getting full pigmentation and the texture came off as very chalky. BUT since then, I have tried the other shades and they are good. One of my favorite colors is “Mauve”, I don’t own anything like it in my collection.
Also, look at the black shade! That is some serious pigment!!
As a bonus you also get a sample size of the Full Exposure Mascara. I was super excited to try this mascara because I heard great things about it but unfortunately for me, it just didn’t work. It could work for you though!!
Overall, I’m not completely blown away by this palette. Especially for $50.
What are your thoughts on this palette?